Who are we

Основана през 2003г. Белпром е строително инвестиционна компания фокусирана върху изграждането на качествени, модерни и функционални жилищни сгради в гр. София.

The company's activities cover the entire construction investment process, including: town planning procedures, research, design, construction and commissioning. Other activities of the company include sales, leasing and management of projects completed by Belprom ltd.

През годините, освен построените жилищни и административни сгради, от Белпром имаме изградени множество трафопостове, улици, детски площадки както и места за отдих в районите на построените от нас сгради, с които можете да се запознаете here.

Company values

Precision in our work, customer centrism and uncompromising technical standard have been the guiding principles of the company's management for more than 20 years. Strict execution of contracts, innovative and attractive architectural designs combined with the unconditional adherence to the aforementioned values are namely the factors that contribute to the large number of loyal customers who return to us.

We place great importance on the responsibility we bear to our customers, namely to provide a safe and functional home built in a conducive and healthy environment that improves the quality of life for our residents.

Construction approach
